Monday, January 11, 2016


California based Fliquor Bean, has announced that its expanding sales of its small batch coffee infused whiskey to 40 states across the US.

The brand was originally created in late 2013 by Jerry DeFazio, a former Los Angeles television cameraman. When the show he was working on was cancelled, he began the legal gymnastics required to launch an alcohol business so he could share his passion for coffee and whiskey with the public in a brand new way.
Fliquor Bean Coffee Infused Whiskey

Fliquor Bean, is distilled in California using only coffee and whiskey and made without the use of sugar or artificial flavourings.

The organic coffee beans come from Mexico’s largest farmer confederation, CoNaProMex and are then custom roasted by a local micro roaster based in the Los Angeles area. The fully caffeinated outcome can be enjoyed like a conventional cold brewed coffee or mixed in a cocktail.

The whiskey used is from Bowen’s based in Bakersfield, California. Made from 100% corn, cut to proof with a proprietary, structured micro-clustered water to bring out the grain's complex nuance.

Fliquor Bean Coffee Infused Whiskey, is now available across the US for a RRP of $34.99

Posted by Steve Rush